Aerospace Physiology Society
A Constituent Organization of the Aerospace Medical Association
Who We Are
A collective of professionals dedicated to the advancement and promotion of the science and practice of aerospace physiology.
As a Constituent Organization of AsMA, the AsPS:
Has similar objectives and purposes to those of the Aerospace Medical Association.
Supports these purposes through local meetings, acquaintanceship, and discussion of matters relating to aviation, space, or undersea medicine, or their allied sciences.
Increases the value of this Association to their members, and help maintain and increase membership.
"The Aerospace Physiology Society (AsPS) offers the opportunity to be connected to a network of aerospace physiology professionals. Through membership and engagement, AsPS offers opportunities for collaboration and development in the field of aerospace physiology."
-President, Aerospace Physlology Society

Other historical articles:
High Points in Aerospace Physiology – A USAF Perspective, Part I. Brandt Y. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 2010 May;81(2):535.
High Points in Aerospace Physiology – A USAF Perspective, Part II. Brandt Y. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. 2010 Aug;81(8):816.
Stay Up-to-Date with Our Media Coverage
If you are attending the 2024 AsMA Annual Meeting, the AsPS will be hosting a social at Lucky Strike Bowling on Wednesday, May 8th, from 6-8pm. The cost will be $25/person. You can pay via Venmo or PayPal. Come one, come all!
Join us for our 2024 Social!